Sunday, March 25, 2012

Houston, We Have A Problem.

How did you find out about the death of Whitney Houston? I know Clive Davis didn’t call and tell you. You probably got a text, read a Tweet or checked your Facebook.  The influx of “Whitney” Google searches shot through the roof and Twitter had a new trending topic. These are the new obituaries.

The death created an instant craze on all platforms of media. Blogs, social media sites, and online news reports were just a glance at what was taking over the Internet.  What I found interesting were the commentaries on Houston’s death and a connection to racism. That prominently  “white media” was attacking the death full steam ahead. I can agree that I think it is insane what the media does over one’s death but I am not so sure about the connection to “white media” placing a target.  This is what the media does to all pop-culture figures, especially one so iconic as Whitney Houston.  
This picture showed up multiple times on my newsfeed.  People mocking death and addiction? #notgood

What is even more discouraging to me is societies inability to engage in productive discourse about drugs. Why are we so surprised every time we think drugs are related to death? This has been happening since the dawn of celebrity stardom. 

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